
Moving Forward After Manor ISD Superintendent Resigns

Manor ISD Superintendent ResignsDuring the past several days I have had the opportunity to visit with many of our customers who are saddened by the resignation of Manor ISD Superintendent, Kevin Brackmeyer.  I have heard endless comments of high praise for his performance in each of the roles he has held with Manor ISD: Manor High School Principal and Manor ISD Superintendent.  Based on those comments, I know that there is a large contingency of the community that is mourning the loss of his leadership.

That being said, let us all remember that great leaders attract, empower and inspire other great leaders. Such leadership is paramount to the success of our growing community.  The quality of our school system is the single most important element to our community’s success.  When Manor students are receiving quality education, we all succeed.

There is no overlooking the fact that Manor schools have made tremendous strides under Mr. Brackmeyer’s leadership.  He surrounded himself with a quality team of administrators and educators who remain to carry forward his positive vision for Manor ISD students.  His departure opens the door for important discussions about what we want for our community and how we plan to get there.  As that conversation unfolds, I hope we can keep a focus on the future and on moving forward on the path that Mr. Brackmeyer and his team have set for us.  And, unite to support of, and recognize our administrators and educators who remain on the job working to maintain our new-found quality educational environment.

As a member of the Manor community, Good Luck Grill will continue to advocate for the best quality education for the young people. Our school system has made great strides in the recent past. We look forward to seeing Manor continue on that path. We support our area educators and students in that endeavor!

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